Zig When They Zag

Zig When They Zag - Episode 5: How to Thrive in a Slowdown - Know Your Best Customer

Jessica Scanlon and Kevin Ring Season 1 Episode 5

Who is your best customer? Hint: it's not just anyone with money.

In this episode, Jessica Scanlon and Kevin Ring discuss how to identify your ideal customer as a small business owner. Many business owners incorrectly think their ideal client is "everyone."

Ideal customers value what your business does. They have a problem that your business is uniquely situated to solve.

Ideal customers:

  • Value what your business does
  • Are easy to work with
  • Understand how your product or service serves them

Action Steps:

Ask your sales team who the easiest clients are to close. Those are the clients that understand the value quickly. They are eager to work with your business.

Ask your client support team who they connect best with. These clients are happy with the value you provide and don't create problems or put up hurdles.


Hot Dog Marketing is a digital marketing agency in Round Rock, TX serving small and medium-sized businesses. We excel in delivering marketing strategy, digital marketing, website design and development, and outstanding customer service.

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