Zig When They Zag

Zig When They Zag - Episode 14: The Cost of Doing Nothing

Jessica Scanlon and Kevin Ring Season 1 Episode 14

Are you hesitant to engage in marketing campaigns during COVID-19?

Do you know what the penalty for inaction is?

Turns out, the cost of doing nothing can be really high.

In this episode, Jessica Scanlon and Kevin Ring talk about what can happen to a business when there is so much change going on but the business owner chooses not to take any action in the midst of it.

Recently, many business owners have become hesitant when making decisions about medium or large investments. This hesitation can turn into getting stuck and taking no action. Arguably, inaction is even riskier than any other feasible option.
Key Takeaways:

  • Action Yields Information
  • Inaction Yields Negative Market Share
  • Turn It Up Now

When competitors are pulling back their marketing resources, it creates a gap that you can fill to grab attention. 

Engaging with your customers through marketing gives you better insights and, thus, you can spend your future marketing dollars more wisely.

According to a recent poll, business leaders are trending optimistic about the near future.

While this optimism is a good sign, it doesn’t mean that business owners should rest on their laurels. The time to prepare for the future is now. Making smart investments through marketing lays a foundation for your brand to springboard off when the times change again.


Hot Dog Marketing is a digital marketing agency in Round Rock, TX serving small and medium-sized businesses. We excel in delivering marketing strategy, digital marketing, website design and development, and outstanding customer service.

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