Zig When They Zag

Zig When They Zag - Episode 16: What is a Brand? Part 1: Mission, Vision, and Purpose

Jessica Scanlon and Kevin Ring Season 1 Episode 16

Wondering how your brand is perceived?
Trying to figure out what should be at the heart of your brand?

In this episode, Jessica Scanlon and Kevin Ring talk about what branding truly is. Many business owners think branding simply means what their logo looks like, but there is much more to it than that.
It's everything that your employees and customers come in contact with in regards to your company.
When you have a clear idea of what you're trying to accomplish with that brand, you can make better decisions on product and marketing.

The 5 Components of Branding:
1. Purpose
2. Value proposition
3. Personality
4. Branding
5. Customer Experience

Know Where You're Going
Having a brand goal to shoot for helps get everybody (including employees and customers) on the same track.

Finding Your Purpose in Business
Jessica explains that "vocation" is when that thing you really enjoy dovetails with what the world needs from you. Your vocation has to be more than just what you like doing. In business, this means that what you're offering needs to be something that people are looking for.

Be About What People Care About
As much as you may not want to believe it, you can't force someone to care about something.
Instead, design your brand about what people already care about. Align with their vision for a better world.
Are you ready to get strategic marketing the helps your business reach its goals? Don't wait, contact Hot Dog Marketing to get started.
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